Friday 31 July 2015

Top 5 Photography Fonts

In order to start off my blog, I’m going to help out a little and give some advice on some fantastic fonts to try out and definitely incorporate into your photos. Obviously the majority of your photos won’t have text other than perhaps a watermark, but it’s always a good idea to edit one slightly for  a title and these fonts are sure to give you a hand in doing so. Please remember that these are in no particular order

Typograph pro

Typograph pro is a really clean looking font that is always great for simplistic photos to add a simple watermark to the corners, coming in a various range of weights it is really versatile and looks great in both upper and lower case


Nexa is another great font that looks great for titles and text, the bold weight in particular looks very professional in upper case so it is always worth trying out if you’re stuck for choice on a font. This font is free for personal use, but commercial use is only $17 so it’s a bargain font for how great it looks wherever you use it


Helvetica is a pretty over-used font, but not without good reason. This font also has a wide range of weights and variations making it one of the most versatile fonts available. It’s a font that everyone knows and everyone hates to love, but you can always rely on it when you’re struggling to make something look just that little bit better, or if you’re trying to watermark something with your details and can’t find something that blends well.


Monotone is an odd one, however after seeing it used on Glamour Photography London, I realized just how useful it can actually be, it is great for titles, although I wouldn’t use it for much else, it really adds that extra oomph to your portfolio and looks amazing used with just about any sans serif font.


Gotham has always been a personal favourite of mine for many reasons, it’s such a clean font and it can be used just about anywhere. It even still looks clean in 3D which makes it really multi-purpose, definitely a font to use to strengthen your arsenal